Put that thing away

Posted: Sunday, July 11, 2010 by whojustsaidthat in Labels: , ,

The rules of being politically correct in society have definitely been toned down significantly over time. Things such as 40 pound bathing suits and skirts not passing the ankle is definitely a part of yesteryear. With all of this "free living" we have going about, there are still some boundaries that have yet to be determined in some cases. For example, let's take locker room etiquette into play. I understand that nakedness is an integral part of the whole locker room experience, but a 30 second maximum naked limit should really be enforced. Locker rooms are NOT a social location, therefore please refrain from hanging around (Note: the sky is the limit on the connotation of the term "hanging") and catching up on man-gossip without once speck of clothing on yourself. Many males make it a point to not accidentally catch a glimpse of some old dude in the buff, but you're not helping the situation by trotting around and sagging about for the world to see. Towels are for your convenience, use them wisely.