Following in Mommy and Daddys footsteps

Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2010 by whojustsaidthat in Labels: , ,

I was a marginally quiet and "chill" baby/toddler/child growing up. However if I did something out of line, I was quickly reminded that it wasn't kosher to do so. Fast forwarding to year 2010, things have definitely made a turn for the worse with parents not seeming to "know what to do about it." Suggestions: If your child is running around a restaurant climbing on things like its a playground, get them a leash. You wouldn't certainly ignore someone screaming your name repeatedly at the top of their lungs, so don't do it to your child. You are boss, act as such. Don't hire a British nanny to come in and stick your kids in "time out," do it yourself. For those who say it's "cruel" and "mean" to stick a kid in a corner for a few minutes, I'm pretty certain I can think of something a little more cruel than that.

Moral of the story: If you didn't get away with it, don't let your kids get away with it.